New Families Guide
*The Following Information is Still Being Updated to Reflect School During Covid Times*
The Kindergarten Playground and classroom pod is located at the back of the schoolyard
Times for arrival and departure
Students enrolled in Kid's Village can arrive at 7:30AM, all other students should arrive at 8:45AM. Before-school programs (such as Chinese, Spanish or chess) start at 8:00AM. At 8:57 the first bell rings and Kindergartners line up for class while 1st-5th grade line up on the yard.
Kindergartners are dismissed at 2:15PM while 1st-5th graders are dismissed at 3:10. If your student is enrolled in Kid's Village, the dismal time is at 6:00PM. For more information, please see the Bell Schedule. On Wednesdays, Kindergartners are dismissed at 2:10PM and 1st-5th graders are dismissed at 2:20PM.
What does my child need to bring to school?
In your child’s backpack, you should pack a jacket, water bottle and an a home-packed lunch if students are not eating school lunch. Please make sure that home lunches do not have nuts or products containing nuts! Some student are severely allergic to nuts.
Be sure to label belongings with names. The lost and found is located outside the front office.
How do school meals work?
As of 2021-2022, school breakfasts and lunches are free for all students! Breakfasts usually consisting of cereal or bagels, seasonal fruit and milk. School lunches are prepared from scratch in the Martin Luther King Middle School Cafeteria and organic or pesticide-free ingredients are used whenever feasible and efforts are taken to minimize the salt, fat and sugar content of the food.
How does "Balanced Beginnings" work?
For Kindergartners only, your student will rotate with their class through each of the Kindergarten classes for the first week of classes. The final classroom arrangement will then try to balance multiple factors including gender ratios, academic ability, special needs, English language learners, and racial diversity. The final assignment will be posted on the front of the school at the end of the first week. For all other grade levels, your student's classroom assignment will be posted the week before school starts.
How to volunteer
For the first two weeks, parents are not allowed in the classroom so that teachers can establish their teaching routine and relationship with their students. After that, most teachers welcome parent volunteers. Please contact your teacher to see what volunteering opportunities there are. At Back to School Night, you can also sign up for volunteering and even to be the classroom's Room Parent. You can also volunteer school-wide with the PTA.
How to stay informed
Keep an eye out for school communications sent home in Wednesday envelopes. Registering to be a part of the e-tree is a great way to get electronic versions of the communications as well as reminders for upcoming events and opportunities. Please see the Staying Connected page for more information.