Join the PTA
Sign up Here to Join our PTA:
PTA Membership is Annual and Individual
Remember to register for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Each spouse/partner needs a membership to attend PTA Association Meetings and to vote on propositions.
By Joining our PTA you:
Show your children that their school matters to you.
Demonstrate that success in school is the pathway to a career and a meaningful & productive life.
Partner with our educators and staff to make the school safe, welcoming and a fun place to be.
Share in campus events and experiences that make your child’s school days memorable.
Connect with other parents/guardians, teachers and staff.
Become a part of the California State PTA and National PTA - the largest children’s advocacy organization in the United States.
Advocate on behalf of the diverse interests and needs at our school.
Rosa Parks Environmental Science Magnet
is a part of California State Parent Teacher Association (CAPTA)