PTA Executive Board
What is the Executive Board and who are they?
The Executive Board runs our PTA chapter by forming and leading committees, voting on propositions and meeting in person once a month during the school year. They are overseen by the PTA President and the Principal. They work alongside the School Site Council (SSC), African Descent Advisory Committee (ADAC), and English Language Learners Advisory Council (ELAC) to make Rosa Parks Environmental Science Magnet a success.
Executive Board Officers are elected each year in April at a PTA General Assembly Meeting. A nominating committee of three people suggests names of parents/guardians to fill the open positions but parents/guardians can also step forward to nominate themselves. If you are interested in filling a Board Position, please email us. Each Board Position can be occupied for two years.
Due to recent phishing attacks, emails for our PTA Board Members and other volunteers is now on a password protected page accessible via the button below.
You can find the password at the bottom of e-tree emails.
2023-2024 Executive Board
Executive Board Officers are elected each year in the spring by the PTA Association.
President: Emily Haan
Vice President: Vacant
Financial Secretary: Monica Knapp
Recording Secretary: Sarah Roggero
Treasurer: Eric Koppelson
Auditor: Terry Nicol
Parliamentarian: Bryan Branstetter
Standing Committee Chairs:
Committee Chairs and other standing volunteers are appointed by the elected board.
African Descent Advisory Committee (ADAC): Vacant
Anti-racism Committee: Vacant
Communications Committee: Sonia Caltvedt
Engagement Committee: Jen Bradwell
Events Committee: Remy Goldsmith
Fundraising Committee: Vacant
Green Schoolyard Committee: Vanessa Kong
Systems Committee: Chelsea Hirschton
Additional Positions:
Room Caregiver Coordinator: Vacant
Social Media Coordinator: Vacant
Annual Fund Coordinator: Vacant