Staying Connected — Rosa Parks Elementary School

WELCOME BACK! Start the year off with your Annual Fund contribution. Click Here to Donate!

Contact Us

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920 Allston Way
Berkeley, CA, 94710
United States

(510) 644-8812

Rosa Parks is an Environmental Science Magnet school in the Berkeley Unified School District in Berkeley, California. Equipped with a science lab, educational garden, and dedicated, professional and talented faculty and staff, students at Rosa Parks benefit from a curriculum enriched with access to science and nature.

Staying Connected

Social Media

Rosa Parks e-tree News

The best way to stay in contact with Rosa Parks is to subscribe to the Rosa Parks E-tree. The e-tree is a low-traffic Google Group through which the Rosa Parks PTA sends out important school-related announcements.  The list is used only to send out important announcements from the PTA and other school officials.  It is not a discussion group.  Messages are sent in English and Spanish.

How Do I Join?

The e-tree is a Google Group at You can search for “Rosa Parks Newsletter” on Google Groups and apply for membership there or click the button below:


You can always send an email to


Automatic phone calls are sent out to parents' home phone numbers with reminders or announcements. The phone calls are sent by BUSD or the Principal. To have an automatic call sent out, contact Alicia Barajas, the School Secretary, two days prior to the call.