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920 Allston Way
Berkeley, CA, 94710
United States

(510) 644-8812

Rosa Parks is an Environmental Science Magnet school in the Berkeley Unified School District in Berkeley, California. Equipped with a science lab, educational garden, and dedicated, professional and talented faculty and staff, students at Rosa Parks benefit from a curriculum enriched with access to science and nature.

Wednesday Envelopes

WHY:  The primary method Rosa Parks uses to send home printed material is through the “Wednesday envelope.” This sturdy envelope is used throughout the school year and is sent home with every child each Wednesday. Parents/caregivers should check with their child each Wednesday to see what is inside.

WHAT:  Only non-commercial, Rosa Parks-related material may be sent home.  If there is a question about whether your flyer is appropriate to send home, please clear it with Principal Furlan first.

HOW: Put the right number of flyers in each teacher’s box and they will make sure the flyers get into the Wednesday envelopes.  Feel free to put a cover note to the teacher explaining what the flyer is and thanking them for including it.  If you want them to announce the flyer to their students, mention this in the cover note.

You are welcome to use the Rosa Parks copier for PTA-related flyers, but please avoid peak hours (8:30-9AM or 11AM-1PM).  You must use your own paper.  If it is a PTA flyer, you can use the PTA paper (and paper clips), which are on the shelves below the staff mailboxes.

Anything sent home should be translated into Spanish.

WHEN:  You should aim to have the flyers in the mailboxes as early as possible, but no later than 3pm on Tuesday in order to ensure they go out in the next day’s envelopes.